Rolex Sydney Hobart 2013: Wild Oats XI na mecie
Australijski "Wild Oats XI" pierwszy minął linie mety 69. regat Rolex Sydney-Hobart Race, odnosząc siódme zwycięstwo w słynnym żeglarskim klasyku. Dystans 628 mil pokonał w czasie 2 dni 6 godzin 7 minut 27 sekund.
„Perpetual LOYAL” Anthonego Bella prowadził w wyścigu Rolex Sydney Hobart niemal od samego startu. Sytuacja zmieniła się jednak na korzyść faworyta, posiadacza rekordu przepłynięcia trasy z Sydney do Hobart podczas regat (rekord bezwzględny należy do wielokadłubowca), jachtu „Wild Oats XI” Roberta Oatleya. Zgodnie bowiem z prognozami, na trasie wiatr zelżał niemal do zera, a takie warunki są bardziej sprzyjające dla „Wild Oatsa”. „Perpetual LOYAL” zaczyna wykorzystywać swój potencjał dopiero przy wietrze 12-14 węzłów i więcej, dlatego jego nieco sfrustrowany skipper i właściciel, Anthony Bell czeka na prognozowaną w ciągu kilku godzin poprawę warunków. Jak powiedział w rozmowie z organizatorami regat, „mamy tu obecnie 4 węzły wiatru. Nawet na krytym basenie, na którym zajęcia z pływania ma moja dwuletnia córka, wieje teraz więcej...”
"Perpetual LOYAL" i "Wild Oats XI" walczą o zwycięstwo w 69. regatach Sydney Hobart od samego startu.
Fot. Rolex/Daniel Forster
Do prowadzącego do niedawna „Perpetual LOYAL” zaczynają zbliżać się także żeglujące za nim pozostałe stustopowe jednostki, przede wszystkim lżejsze od niego „Ragamuffin 100”, „Beau Geste” oraz „Giacomo”. Wg Biura Meteorologicznego, wszystkie siedem prowadzących obecnie w regatach „stustopowców” powinno dostać się pod wpływ sprzyjającego, północno-wschodniego wiatru już za kilka godzin dzięki czemu pierwsze z nich ukończą wyścig mniej więcej w sobotę późnym wieczorem czasu lokalnego (w sobotę rano naszego czasu).
Znacznie gorzej wygląda natomiast prognoza dla pozostałych jednostek. Biuro Meteo zapowiada bowiem nadejście nad Cieśninę Bassa silnego, zachodniego i południowo-zachodniego wiatru o prędkości 30-40 węzłów właśnie w czasie, w którym liderzy osiągną linię mety. Meteorolodzy przestrzegają przy tym przed możliwością pojawienia się bardzo wysokich fal nawet do 10 m wysokości.
W międzyczasie otrzymaliśmy informację o kolejnym polskim żeglarzu biorącym udział w regatach Sydney Hobart. Prócz wspomnianego wcześniej Jakuba Jankowskiego, żeglującego na jachcie „Illusion”, w wyścigu bierze udział także Krzysztof Ślęzak, który na jednostce „Jamaica Get All Right” startuje w wyścigu z Sydney do Hobart w ramach etapu regat Clipper Round the World.
Aktualną klasyfikacją w wyścigu zamieściliśmy poniżej:
Jacht | DIV | Pozycja | DTG | SOG | COG | Przewidywany czas ukończenia | |
1 | Wild Oats XI Robert Oatley NSW | 39°47'S 150°50'E 140nm S of Gabo Island | 283.9 | 12.1 | 163 | 02:19:34:22 9.3 29 Dec, 08:34:22 AM | |
2 | Perpetual LOYAL Anthony Bell NSW | 39°38'S 150°53'E 132nm S of Gabo Island | 293.0 | 12.1 | 233 | 03:01:08:50 8.6 29 Dec, 02:08:50 PM | |
3 | Ragamuffin 100 Syd Fischer NSW | 39°17'S 150°34'E 108nm S of Gabo Island | 304.4 | 13.4 | 161 | 03:04:00:50 8.3 29 Dec, 05:00:50 PM | |
4 | Giacomo Jim Delegat New Zealand | 39°11'S 151°17'E 117nm SE of Gabo Island | 325.3 | 11.9 | 158 | 03:09:46:40 7.7 29 Dec, 10:46:40 PM | |
5 | Black Jack Peter Harburg QLD | 39°07'S 151°18'E 114nm SE of Gabo Island | 328.8 | 12.4 | 157 | 03:06:08:32 8.0 29 Dec, 07:08:32 PM | |
6 | Wild Thing BC39 Pty Ltd NSW | 39°16'S 151°58'E 141nm SE of Gabo Island | 338.7 | 8.0 | 142 | 03:23:54:57 6.6 30 Dec, 12:54:57 PM | |
7 | Beau Geste Karl Kwok Hong Kong | 39°03'S 151°36'E 120nm SE of Gabo Island | 339.7 | 8.5 | 231 | 03:15:26:18 7.2 30 Dec, 04:26:18 AM | |
8 | Ichi Ban Matt Allen NSW | 38°36'S 151°08'E 85nm SE of Gabo Island | 353.2 | 8.8 | 239 | 03:01:36:59 8.5 29 Dec, 02:36:59 PM | |
9 | Wedgetail Bill Wild QLD | 38°02'S 150°36'E 44nm SE of Gabo Island | 374.4 | 12.5 | 174 | 03:05:26:28 8.1 29 Dec, 06:26:28 PM | |
10 | Nikata Ns82/103 S Ltd Great Britain | 37°55'S 150°16'E 27nm SE of Gabo Island | 376.0 | 5.7 | 163 | 03:15:54:18 7.1 30 Dec, 04:54:18 AM | |
11 | Zefiro Gerhard Ruether Cyprus | 37°57'S 150°51'E 50nm SE of Gabo Island | 382.6 | 11.1 | 156 | 03:09:50:06 7.7 29 Dec, 10:50:06 PM | |
12 | Victoire Darryl Hodgkinson NSW | 37°53'S 150°38'E 40nm SE of Gabo Island | 382.8 | 11.0 | 174 | 03:08:24:31 7.8 29 Dec, 09:24:31 PM | |
13 | Varuna Jens Kellinghusen Germany | 37°47'S 150°40'E 39nm E of Gabo Island | 389.6 | 10.2 | 238 | 03:13:55:38 7.3 30 Dec, 02:55:38 AM | |
14 | Brindabella Jim Cooney NSW | 37°40'S 150°36'E 36nm SE of Green Cape | 395.0 | 11.2 | 231 | 03:11:08:57 7.6 30 Dec, 12:08:57 AM | |
15 | Primitive Cool John Newbold VIC | 37°34'S 150°37'E 33nm SE of Green Cape | 400.9 | 10.0 | 167 | 03:13:40:30 7.3 30 Dec, 02:40:30 AM | |
16 | Celestial Sam Haynes NSW | 37°36'S 150°43'E 38nm SE of Green Cape | 400.9 | 8.5 | 175 | 03:13:33:32 7.3 30 Dec, 02:33:32 AM | |
17 | Patrice Tony Kirby NSW | 37°34'S 150°42'E 37nm SE of Green Cape | 401.7 | 9.7 | 163 | 03:13:39:107.3 30 Dec, 02:39:10 AM | |
18 | Kerumba Tam Faragher QLD | 37°33'S 150°41'E 36nm SE of Green Cape | 402.6 | 10.4 | 166 | 03:14:46:517.2 30 Dec, 03:46:51 AM | |
19 | Frantic Michael Martin NSW | 37°40'S 151°10'E 59nm SE of Green Cape | 404.5 | 8.7 | 159 | 04:01:01:396.5 30 Dec, 02:01:39 PM | |
20 | Veloce Phil Simpfendorfer VIC | 37°27'S 150°28'E 24nm SE of Green Cape | 405.1 | 10.3 | 172 | 03:15:36:59 7.2 30 Dec, 04:36:59 AM | |
21 | Spirit of Mateship RSL Queesnsland Branch QLD | 37°37'S 151°07'E 56nm SE of Green Cape | 406.6 | 8.8 | 157 | 04:03:32:49 6.3 30 Dec, 04:32:49 PM | |
22 | Southern Excellence II Andrew Wenham NSW | 37°34'S 151°03'E 52nm E of Green Cape | 408.0 | 10.7 | 240 | 03:19:37:22 6.9 30 Dec, 08:37:22 AM | |
23 | Pretty Fly III Colin Woods NSW | 37°30'S 150°54'E 43nm E of Green Cape | 408.8 | 6.8 | 207 | 04:04:29:20 6.3 30 Dec, 05:29:20 PM | |
24 | Titania of Cowes Richard Dobbs United Kingdom | 37°25'S 150°44'E 34nm E of Green Cape | 411.0 | 9.2 | 239 | 03:20:58:44 6.8 30 Dec, 09:58:44 AM | |
25 | Faceboat Sailors with disABILITIES David Pescud NSW | 37°21'S 150°35'E 27nm E of Green Cape | 412.5 | 8.9 | 221 | 03:21:15:14 6.7 30 Dec, 10:15:14 AM | |
26 | Rush John Paterson VIC | 37°20'S 150°34'E 26nm E of Green Cape | 413.0 | 9.8 | 230 | 03:20:46:27 6.8 30 Dec, 09:46:27 AM | |
27 | Midnight Rambler Thomas/Psaltis/Bencsik NSW | 37°18'S 150°28'E 20nm E of Green Cape | 413.6 | 8.3 | 172 | 03:19:49:55 6.8 30 Dec, 08:49:55 AM | |
28 | Knee Deep Philip Childs WA | 37°16'S 150°23'E 16nm E of Green Cape | 414.6 | 9.1 | 167 | 03:18:56:09 6.9 30 Dec, 07:56:09 AM | |
29 | Venture 2 Stephan Chapman NSW | 37°23'S 150°58'E 45nm E of Green Cape | 417.2 | 8.1 | 228 | 04:07:28:36 6.1 30 Dec, 08:28:36 PM | |
30 | Chutzpah Bruce Taylor VIC | 37°17'S 150°40'E 30nm E of Green Cape | 417.6 | 7.8 | 176 | 03:21:37:41 6.7 30 Dec, 10:37:41 AM | |
31 | ColorTile Warren & Kristy Buchan NSW | 37°17'S 150°40'E 30nm E of Green Cape | 418.1 | 7.6 | 219 | 04:01:51:09 6.4 30 Dec, 02:51:09 PM | |
32 | Zanzibar Jonathan Mahony Singapore | 37°21'S 150°58'E 45nm E of Green Cape | 418.8 | 7.0 | 165 | 04:00:23:27 6.5 30 Dec, 01:23:27 PM | |
33 | Ocean Affinity Stewart Lewis QLD | 37°14'S 150°37'E 28nm E of Green Cape | 419.5 | 8.5 | 189 | 03:22:21:51 6.7 30 Dec, 11:21:51 AM | |
34 | St Jude Noel Cornish NSW | 37°05'S 150°16'E 15nm NE of Green Cape | 423.4 | 8.9 | 228 | 04:03:00:54 6.3 30 Dec, 04:00:54 PM | |
35 | Minerva Timothy Cox NSW | 37°10'S 150°43'E 33nm E of Green Cape | 425.0 | 8.0 | 172 | 04:03:55:02 6.3 30 Dec, 04:55:02 PM | |
36 | Shining Sea Andrew Corletto SA | 37°06'S 150°43'E 34nm E of Green Cape | 429.6 | 7.3 | 177 | 04:07:30:04 6.1 30 Dec, 08:30:04 PM | |
37 | Art Equity Mahligai Murray Owen & Jenny Kings NSW | 37°04'S 150°36'E 29nm NE of Green Cape | 429.7 | 7.6 | 174 | 04:06:22:39 6.1 30 Dec, 07:22:39 PM | |
38 | Duende Damien Parkes NSW | 37°04'S 150°42'E 34nm E of Green Cape | 430.5 | 7.4 | 173 | 04:06:47:39 6.1 30 Dec, 07:47:39 PM | |
39 | Henri Lloyd Clipper Ventures Great Britain | 37°09'S 151°07'E 52nm E of Green Cape | 432.0 | 5.8 | 166 | 04:07:52:53 6.0 30 Dec, 08:52:53 PM | |
40 | Old Pulteney Clipper Ventures Great Britain | 37°14'S 151°23'E 64nm E of Green Cape | 432.1 | 3.4 | 170 | 05:07:23:10 4.9 31 Dec, 08:23:10 PM | |
41 | Balance Paul Clitheroe NSW | 37°08'S 151°03'E 49nm E of Green Cape | 432.3 | 6.0 | 169 | 04:11:31:01 5.8 31 Dec, 12:31:01 AM | |
42 | Jazz Player-Think Pink Foundation Andrew Lawrence VIC | 36°58'S 150°32'E 29nm NE of Green Cape | 434.1 | 6.8 | 186 | 04:11:29:52 5.8 31 Dec, 12:29:52 AM | |
43 | Senna Chris Manton VIC | 37°11'S 151°21'E 63nm E of Green Cape | 435.0 | 6.3 | 215 | 04:15:08:05 5.7 31 Dec, 04:08:05 AM | |
44 | Helsal 3 Paul Mara TAS | 37°10'S 151°19'E 61nm E of Green Cape | 435.4 | 4.1 | 164 | 04:14:59:20 5.7 31 Dec, 03:59:20 AM | |
45 | The Banshee Corinne Feldmann & Rob Francis NSW | 36°57'S 150°34'E 31nm NE of Green Cape | 435.5 | 6.2 | 189 | 04:10:53:52 5.9 30 Dec, 11:53:52 PM | |
46 | Black Sheep Derek & Martin Sheppard NSW | 36°56'S 150°32'E 30nm NE of Green Cape | 435.6 | 6.7 | 231 | 04:11:41:11 5.8 31 Dec, 12:41:11 AM | |
47 | Last Tango Phillip King NSW | 36°56'S 150°29'E 29nm NE of Green Cape | 435.8 | 6.3 | 181 | 04:12:23:20 5.8 31 Dec, 01:23:20 AM | |
48 | Brannew Chris Bran NSW | 36°54'S 150°25'E 28nm NE of Green Cape | 436.1 | 7.1 | 227 | 04:13:51:58 5.7 31 Dec, 02:51:58 AM | |
49 | CV10 Clipper Ventures United Kingdom | 37°09'S 151°22'E 63nm E of Green Cape | 436.5 | 4.1 | 175 | 05:01:03:56 5.2 31 Dec, 02:03:56 PM | |
50 | Zen Gordon Ketelbey NSW | 36°58'S 150°46'E 38nm NE of Green Cape | 437.1 | 6.6 | 179 | 04:13:00:55 5.8 31 Dec, 02:00:55 AM | |
51 | Canute Peter Horn NSW | 37°04'S 151°09'E 54nm E of Green Cape | 437.7 | 6.0 | 180 | 04:08:57:14 6.0 30 Dec, 09:57:14 PM | |
52 | Breakthrough Mathew Vadas & Jonathan Stone NSW | 36°53'S 150°27'E 30nm NE of Green Cape | 437.8 | 5.6 | 176 | 04:13:50:17 5.7 31 Dec, 02:50:17 AM | |
53 | GREAT Britain Clipper Ventures Great Britain | 37°01'S 150°59'E 47nm E of Green Cape | 437.9 | 7.3 | 161 | 04:04:39:23 6.2 30 Dec, 05:39:23 PM | |
54 | One DLL Clipper Ventures Great Britain | 36°59'S 150°57'E 47nm E of Green Cape | 439.0 | 6.0 | 162 | 04:05:01:53 6.2 30 Dec, 06:01:53 PM | |
55 | Papillon Phil Molony NSW | 36°53'S 150°32'E 33nm NE of Green Cape | 439.0 | 6.1 | 190 | 04:12:44:04 5.8 31 Dec, 01:44:04 AM | |
56 | Derry-Londonderry-Doire Clipper Ventures Great Britain | 37°04'S 151°16'E 60nm E of Green Cape | 439.8 | 5.1 | 169 | 04:14:12:40 5.7 31 Dec, 03:12:40 AM | |
57 | Ariel Ron Forster & Phil Damp NSW | 36°52'S 150°32'E 33nm NE of Green Cape | 440.1 | 5.3 | 190 | 04:17:09:58 5.6 31 Dec, 06:09:58 AM | |
58 | Team Garmin Clipper Ventures Great Britain | 37°05'S 151°21'E 63nm E of Green Cape | 440.5 | 3.9 | 179 | 05:00:16:14 5.2 31 Dec, 01:16:14 PM | |
59 | Mille Sabords Stephane Howarth VIC | 36°55'S 150°49'E 42nm NE of Green Cape | 440.5 | 5.8 | 176 | 04:14:50:05 5.7 31 Dec, 03:50:05 AM | |
60 | Jamaica Get All Right Clipper Ventures Great Britain | 37°09'S 151°34'E 74nm E of Green Cape | 440.9 | 2.7 | 175 | 05:19:21:44 4.5 01 Jan, 08:21:44 AM | |
61 | Audacious Glen Clinnick VIC | 36°49'S 150°35'E 39nm SE of Montague Island | 443.0 | 6.4 | 170 | 04:11:54:07 5.8 31 Dec, 12:54:07 AM | |
62 | Wild Rose Roger Hickman NSW | 36°46'S 150°32'E 35nm SE of Montague Island | 445.6 | 5.5 | 234 | 04:13:26:11 5.7 31 Dec, 02:26:11 AM | |
63 | One For The Road Kym Butler NSW | 36°58'S 151°19'E 63nm E of Green Cape | 446.1 | 5.2 | 189 | 04:14:35:56 5.7 31 Dec, 03:35:56 AM | |
64 | Qingdao Clipper Ventures Great Britain | 37°02'S 151°37'E 76nm E of Green Cape | 447.3 | 5.1 | 183 | 04:21:53:33 5.3 31 Dec, 10:53:33 AM | |
65 | PSP Logistics Clipper Ventures Great Britain | 36°45'S 150°37'E 36nm SE of Montague Island | 448.0 | 6.6 | 164 | 04:01:32:56 6.4 30 Dec, 02:32:56 PM | |
66 | Mondo Ray Sweeney QLD | 36°52'S 151°07'E 57nm SE of Montague Island | 448.6 | 5.3 | 172 | 04:21:14:595.4 31 Dec, 10:14:59 AM | |
67 | Nautical Circle Prentice, Beard & Shaw, NSW | 36°46'S 150°46'E 41nm SE of Montague Island | 448.8 | 5.5 | 175 | 04:15:58:30 5.6 31 Dec, 04:58:30 AM | |
68 | Invest Africa Clipper Ventures Great Britain | 36°48'S 150°56'E 48nm SE of Montague Island | 449.2 | 6.9 | 168 | 04:04:27:43 6.3 30 Dec, 05:27:43 PM | |
69 | Halcyon Chris Tucker VIC | 36°40'S 150°25'E 27nm S of Montague Island | 449.6 | 5.4 | 184 | 04:08:02:58 6.0 30 Dec, 09:02:58 PM | |
70 | TSA Management Tony Levett NSW | 36°41'S 150°27'E 28nm SE of Montague Island | 449.8 | 6.7 | 165 | 04:01:58:44 6.4 30 Dec, 02:58:44 PM | |
71 | Chancellor Edward Tooher NSW | 36°40'S 150°33'E 30nm SE of Montague Island | 451.5 | 5.7 | 179 | 04:16:02:38 5.6 31 Dec, 05:02:38 AM | |
72 | Geomatic Adrian Lewis VIC | 36°38'S 150°28'E 27nm SE of Montague Island | 452.0 | 6.9 | 161 | 04:01:47:52 6.4 30 Dec, 02:47:52 PM | |
73 | CV5 Clipper Ventures United Kingdom | 36°48'S 151°08'E 55nm SE of Montague Island | 452.1 | 5.5 | 152 | 04:13:29:29 5.7 31 Dec, 02:29:29 AM | |
74 | Switzerland Clipper Ventures Great Britain | 36°47'S 151°07'E 54nm SE of Montague Island | 453.1 | 6.2 | 175 | 04:12:06:32 5.8 31 Dec, 01:06:32 AM | |
75 | Shepherd Centre Hugh Torode NSW | 36°40'S 150°42'E 35nm SE of Montague Island | 453.2 | 5.4 | 172 | 04:17:32:50 5.5 31 Dec, 06:32:50 AM | |
76 | Pennant Hills Ford Ian Creak NSW | 36°37'S 150°30'E 26nm SE of Montague Island | 453.9 | 4.8 | 186 | 04:19:52:58 5.4 31 Dec, 08:52:58 AM | |
77 | Mission Performance Clipper Ventures Great Britain | 36°44'S 151°01'E 49nm SE of Montague Island | 454.6 | 6.7 | 239 | 04:10:56:07 5.9 30 Dec, 11:56:07 PM | |
78 | Martela Anthony Williams TAS | 36°33'S 150°24'E 21nm SE of Montague Island | 455.9 | 6.8 | 167 | 04:01:23:24 6.5 30 Dec, 02:23:24 PM | |
79 | She's The Culprit Culprit Syndicate NSW | 36°30'S 150°33'E 23nm SE of Montague Island | 460.8 | 5.5 | 177 | 04:12:43:05 5.8 31 Dec, 01:43:05 AM | |
80 | Copernicus Greg Zyner NSW | 36°29'S 150°33'E 21nm SE of Montague Island | 461.8 | 5.0 | 187 | 04:15:48:47 5.6 31 Dec, 04:48:47 AM | |
81 | Luna Sea James Cameron NSW | 36°32'S 150°59'E 41nm SE of Montague Island | 465.4 | 5.1 | 174 | 05:02:23:31 5.1 31 Dec, 03:23:31 PM | |
82 | 41 SUD Jean-Luc Esplaas New Caledonia | 36°25'S 150°36'E 22nm SE of Montague Island | 466.2 | 5.4 | 176 | 04:18:39:58 5.5 31 Dec, 07:39:58 AM | |
83 | Tilting at Windmills Thorry Gunnersen VIC | 36°25'S 150°35'E 20nm SE of Montague Island | 466.2 | 5.5 | 188 | 04:21:45:40 5.3 31 Dec, 10:45:40 AM | |
84 | Bacardi Martin Power VIC | 36°24'S 150°35'E 20nm SE of Montague Island | 467.3 | 5.1 | 184 | 04:14:54:36 5.7 31 Dec, 03:54:36 AM | |
85 | Flying Fish Arctos Flying Fish Online NSW | 36°26'S 150°57'E 37nm E of Montague Island | 470.1 | 5.8 | 168 | 04:15:30:18 5.6 31 Dec, 04:30:18 AM | |
86 | She Peter Rodgers NSW | 36°20'S 150°42'E 24nm E of Montague Island | 472.7 | 4.5 | 200 | 04:15:54:50 5.6 31 Dec, 04:54:50 AM | |
87 | Illusion Kim Jaggar & Travis Read NSW | 36°15'S 150°30'E 13nm E of Montague Island | 475.1 | 5.6 | 180 | 04:08:21:21 6.0 30 Dec, 09:21:21 PM | |
88 | Magic Miles Michael Crew TAS | 36°19'S 150°49'E 29nm E of Montague Island | 475.4 | 4.6 | 174 | 05:04:03:00 5.1 31 Dec, 05:03:00 PM | |
89 | Deja Vu Steven Carey VIC | 36°18'S 150°48'E 29nm E of Montague Island | 475.7 | 5.4 | 166 | 04:17:25:31 5.5 31 Dec, 06:25:31 AM | |
90 | Namadgi Paul Jones ACT | 36°09'S 150°33'E 17nm E of Montague Island | 481.3 | 5.4 | 193 | 04:15:16:20 5.6 31 Dec, 04:16:20 AM | |
91 | Black Adder James Clayton WA | 35°35'S 150°50'E 29nm S of Jervis Bay | 517.5 | 4.1 | 192 | 05:14:59:47 4.7 01 Jan, 03:59:47 AM | |
Audi Sunshine Coast * Rodney Jones QLD | RETIRED - AT PORT | ||||||
Dodo * Adrian Dunphy & Martin Hoogland NSW | RETIRED - AT PORT | ||||||
Wilparina * Nick Cannar NSW | RETIRED - AT SEA |